National Academy Of The Customs, Excise & Narcotics Faridabad
The 5-day workshop aimed to cover the key elements of the SAFE FoS and the AEO Program. The main objective was to raise awareness on the SAFE FoS and other related WCO instruments, tools and programs as well as best practices, which are being useful to members in establishing and maintaining AEO program in their respective administrations. Additionally, this would help participating countries who are members of World Trade Organization (WTO) in their preparation for the implementation of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA), in particular fulfilling the obligations under the Article 7.7.
Authorized Economic Operators (AEO) is a program offered by Customs Administrations to exporting companies that want or need faster and easier access to market without much Customs interference at importing country. The benefits of AEO are that it gives premium market access treatment; this means that imported/exported goods need not to be checked by Customs.
Participants were given explanation regards the evolution from revenue collection to global security due to the changing environment of global trade, as well as the eligibility requirements of how a trusted trader can be a beneficiary of the AEO Program. In this respect, a trader to be a qualified AEO must meet the following;
1. Cargo Security,
2. Business Partner Security,
3. personal security,
4. provide security around it premises, including access controls,
5. Financial viability,
6. demonstrate a satisfactory system of managing commercial records,
7. de.monstrate high level of compliance with Customs requirements over time,
8. Information and Information Technology security,
9. crisis management and business continuity,
10. training, awareness and education of staffs.
Vanuatu made a presentation explaining the current situation its Customs operates such as the Customs warehouse scheme, warehouse management and how AEO road map can be developed into future. It is to note that Vanuatu is yet to implement AEO program. During discussions, a lot of experiences were shared among participants on how AEO program has impacted their respective administrations and trading partners economically as well as an opportunity to visit and draw experiences from an AEO company in Delhi, India.
Participants acknowledged the warm reception and hospitality being offered by India Customs Service