As part of its capacity building program, in terms of its human resource up skills, Vanuatu Customs attended and participated on regional workshop on Intelligence Management, held in Hong Kong from 10th to 13th February 2015.
Intelligence is one of the skills being developed by respective Law Enforcement Agencies around the globe, and used as a working tool to assist decision makers at all levels in carry out their roles/tasks effectively and professionally. It is produced from the collection and processing of information. It is used primarily by decision makers (who need it) to support their decision making process. It is therefore defined as; A product, derived from the collection and processing of relevant information, which acts as a basis for user decision making.
The purpose of intelligence is to provide operational information and analyzed information to an intelligence user on basis of intelligence cycle.
A modern risk-based compliance management approach is increasingly enabled by intelligence support. Intelligence enabled risk management brings together information and knowledge learned by Customs with a systematic approach for identifying and treating risks of greatest consequence. This is a critical process, as high risks identified through the risk management process will often be greater in number than Customs’ resources and ability to respond. This is the point where intelligence holdings inform decision makers of a recommended priority order for intervention and assist decisions about where Customs resources should be mobilized and deployed .
Vanuatu customs is grateful to WCO to be invited and participated in this very important workshop in upgrading its human skills in this technical field. Acknowledgements are due to the Hong Kong Customs for their warm hospitality as well as the WCO Accredited Experts and, the Regional Office of Capacity Building (ROCB) for providing an excellent facilitation of the program.